hello~ \(^o^)/ today is Kazuhiko birthday, 09 june Happy Birthday to you,
although i know Kazuhiko doesn't exist, he just fictional character by Hiroki
Yagami (T_T)a but i just want to celebrate his birthday :v maybe u all think
that i'm crazy hahaha (´▽`)ノ
yeah~ never mind
okay.. about this chapter, hmm~
still about match between Shounan Daisagami vs Mewadai Hitachi, wow.. new
member in Meiwadai Hitachi sure can make Fuse Ayumi get annoyed right ? but no~
no~ q(-v-) Shounan Daisagami will take revenge about this :v
hehe~ emang gak bisa diremehin 2
tim ini, mereka punya keunggulan masing-masing (=v=) kalian dukung yang mana
hayo :v kalo aku sih dukung Shounan Daisagami \(^o^)/ kan ada Fuse Ayumi
disonoh wkwk (siapa juga yang nanya)
yookk langsung aja di sedott ch.5
overtime nya
*thanks to Reza